Alex wanted Grammy's waffle!
Alex and Gramps
Is that not the cutest pic ever? He was eating a strawberry muffin(don't tell his doctor tommorow)
HE looks like he is up to something!
It has been a busy two weeks. busy but good. I have been spending my days at my momma's house helping her recover. She is doing amazing. She is a star! Working so hard. She has had the best attitude too. I am so proud of her. Alex has been loving spending time with his grammy.
I hate it so bad that I have forgotten my camera the past two weekends. I've had such a blast spending time with my wonderful in loves! I love the Humberts/Sluders. We have such a good time together. I went to tim's graduation last weekend and kellie's this weekend. I am proud of both of them. We had a very quick trip to Mobile last weekend. but fun. Then a good time with the fam this weekend. The TWC graduation cracked me up Jenn. Still more talk about other people than the people graduating!
Also, I celebrated my first mother's day. Although I don't remember much about it, because I had rode through the night from Mobile, and didn't get to bed untill 5:30 and had to be at church at 8:30! Not much sleep. I am so blessed to be a mom though. I can't tell you how thankful I am that God has blessed me with that privledge. I also want to give a shout out to my momma. She is the best momma ever. I was so blessed to grow up with her as a mom! She has blessed me/ taught me/ served me and brought so much joy to my life. God has also beyond blessed me with a wonderful mom in law. She did an incredible job raising Todd! And she is the best mom in law. I am so glad to have her in my life.
Well that abot catches me up for the past few days! Love you my faithful readers.
What a momma!
Those pictures are so sweet, Michelle! I love that he's getting chubby little cheeks!! I can't wait to see you guys soon! Love you!
These pics of course made my morning. I am making pancakes right now for the girls that spent the night from the liberty team.. it made me think of you and the time we made pancakes for an army... or christmas cookies for a whole boys dorm! I miss you . I am praying that you have an awesome week and as soon as I get a spare moment I want to call you!
Michelle the pictures are so cute of little man. I have enjoyed him being here with me to help nurse me back to health. He is sunshine when he comes into a room. Thank you so much for all the help that you have given me while I get over my knee surgery! 104 degrees today who knows tomorrow, you have to help me keep doing my exercises where I can run and play with Alex. Thank you for the sweet things you said about me. I love being a Mommy to you and Jennifer and a Grammy to Alex! I love you!
Michelle, little one is soooo cute! I miss seeing him. Maybe we can come see him and all of you soon. The boys only have 6 more days of school! Give little Alex a hug and kiss! Love ya!
Love the pics! Thanks!
wow.. your blog is popular.. getting more comments then me. So I have a comment. I also want grammy's waffle, gramps food-- and the yummy glass filled with ICE water.. forgot that existed.. well.. in one more month I'm just saying!
Michelle - would you send me an email at I have a quick question for you.
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