Alex in the church nursery.
Alex blends in with our comforter. He is starting to really fill out in this pic. but he has added wait since then. This outfit no longer fits him.
I love his face in this pic. He looks confused.
He loves to sleep in the car seat. That is my old baby blanket he is wrapped up in.
His one month pic with the gingerbread man. Isn't that adorable.He is so much bigger than the last time I took that pic when he was two weeks old. check out his little tummy.
Being a mommy to Alex is so much fun. He is such a great boy. Sometimes I still can't believe he is mine. He is so smart too. He held his bottle by himself for the first time the other day. He also can hold his head up for several minutes, when most babies his age cannot. God has blessed us with a wonderful, healthy boy ,and I can't thank him enough.
Nursing is still an adventure. I am attempting right now to get himj on more of a schedule. We will see how that works out. Please pray for wisdom for me.
He misses his aunt jenn most of all. Jenn, your budro misses you and prays for you every day! WE are doing great. Alex went to his first youth camp this weekend. He was so great. Todd spoke to the signal mtn bible church youth about evanglism. Todd was Amazing, and the Spirit truly showed up. God moved in mighty ways. I love watching Todd serve the Lord and serving with him in prayer. I believe Alex is going to be used of God in big ways.....
Love you guys. My faithful readers.