My little man is one year old today! I can't believe it. I could never have realized how much I would love that little man when he was growing inside of me. What a year of blessings it has been. i can't even really put it into words. I was reading over my old journal this morning from his first few months of life. God truly taught me so much through that wonderful but exhausting time. Wow! This has been a year of completely relying on the Lord for strength and wisdom. And He has been so faithful to give it to me. I can't believe how much Alex has changed in a year. He went from a tiny little guy whose ears were the biggest part of his body, who wanted to be held all the time and loved to snuggle to a guy who NEVER slows down. He is toddling around everywhere right now. He is so curious and into everything. He is currently taking the books off daddy's book shelf:) He has the best personality. He loves LoVES people, thrives off of people and activities. He is the most flexible baby ever! He loves new adventures. HE loves animals, espically doggies. He talks all the time. (wonder where he got that from). He LOVES music, and I am already teaching him how to praise the Lord. He smiles all the time and his whole face smiles. He has the most beautiful blue eyes ever. I love watching the wonder in his eyes when he discovers new things. I love how mischevious his is, how he looks at me and laughs when he knows he is doing something he is not supposed to. He loves food(a true hand). Any food! Alex, I truly pray you will live out your name- HElper of mankind(Alex) Who is LIke the Lord(Michael). I love you Alex. I love your personality. I love your smile. I love that you talk to your animals in your crib when you don't want to nap. I love how much you love water and swimming. How fearless you are. I pray you use your passion for people and life to one day bring people to Jesus. I pray you are an evangelist like Daddy!
Ok, I have to go wipe my eyes now, then I am heading to the Creative discovery museum for a little fun with my bday boy!
1 comment:
Happy Happy Birthday Alex--you're a special little man! Aunt Brenda, Jeanan, Mae Mae, Anna Beth, Tori, and Joey can't wait to see you tomorrow! Yes, Joey's coming to your birthday party too! He's excited! We love you Little Man! Love, Aunt Brenda and Uncle Larry
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