This is how I feel after all the birthday festivities I have had! I loved turning one, all the attention, family..and cake. but now I am just plain worn out. I decided to nap in the swing grammy and gramps gave me!

I can't tell you how much I love cake! Mommy usually wont let me eat with my hands. i was slow at first, not wanting to get in trouble. but this quite possibly is the happiest day of my life!

I love this stuff! I loved my monkey mommy made(not a bear daddy)

I got to play with my cute cousin Marietta. she is so much fun.

I love Noah's Ark theme. Mommy is so creative:) Aunt Jenn is awesome. She worked so hard!Her and mommy stayed up till two in the morning to make my girafee, lion and monkey:)But they had fun and were excited how it turned out.

Mommy was so excited to have her cousin Jeanan and her daughter anna beth there.

Family pic.

On thursday before my big party I went with mommy and daddy to the free discovery museuam night. I ran into my good friends Jeremiah and his mommy and daddy beth and bob. we were pretending to be dinosaurs.

Daddy and I had so much fun playing at the museum.

I liked the big water the best!

Look there is two of me! This is my birthday trip to the discovery museum thanks to aunt JEnn's wonderful friend sandra rose. I had a blast!

MaybeI'll be a doc when I grow up.

I liked to play music at the museum.

More fun in the water.

Here I am in my birthday outfit. Mommy tried to make me wear this crown. It didn't last long.

I'm ready for a day of fun.

Remember that gingerbread man from when I was one month old. He was way bigger than me. Now I am way bigger than him:)

On my birthday I had pancakes for breakfast with daddy. I love having birthdays!
Well Mommy said she didn't want to overwhelm everyone with pics. she will put more on later. and nana and pop, she said to tell the pics of me with you at the party got on someone else's camera. she will put them on when she goes to grammy's house. i love you guys, and I love the presents you gave me!
These are great pictures sweety!
Love you!
i love love love these pictures.. you know what I loved the most.. is that I got to be there for them and with them! I love you sis. I think you are the best and most beautiful mama in the world
Enjoyed the Pics so much! Love you guys!
So here is the thing, on a blog, you are actually suppose to blog now and then lol! Love you!
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