Monday, March 16, 2009

I need your help:)

Hey to my faithful blog readersI NEED YOUR HELP! I have been laboring at training for a 1/2 marathon in April with TEam In Training for months now. Every Saturday morning I have woke up at 5:3o in the morning to get ready to run with my team, of which I am the team captain. I have logged tons of miles with my jogging stroller during the week. All of this for one reason. i want to help bring a cure to blood cancers, and all cancers. The Leukemia Lymphoma Society is defionalty a cause I believe in. I have seen too many people suffer from cancer. IN fact, one of my team mates from two years ago recently died from leukemia. Please help me! I recommited to the team today, which means I have to raise my minimum by the beginning of April, or Todd and I will be responsible for the rest. Please help me. You can click on the LLS icon on the right of the page, and it goes right to my fundraising page where you can donate securely online!
THanks for your help. Please spread the word to everyone you know. Everyone needs to join in the battle against cancer!.
I want to praise the Lord for how faithful he is. I was so blessed on my birthday yesterday as I spent some time reflecting on the faithfulness of God in my 27 years of life. HE has been so faithful to me! Glory Glory. Jenn, I taught your bible study number 5 yesterday to the girls. It was such a blessing. They loved it. It really stuck out to me how faithful God is and even through all the changes we go through in life, God does not change!(malachi 3:6). I had a great birthday! I had a great time worshipping at church then had the privledge of going to Cherelle and Jim's wedding at Camp Lookout. It was like a reunion and was so much fun. I knew Cherelle from college, and Jim from being a camp counselor with him 9 years ago, so there were old college friends and old camp friends there. I kidded Todd and said they were there to celebrate my birthday. Then I went to Provino's and enjoyed my free birthday meal of SIN in a plate. That would be Cannoloni Bianco, which has no redeeming nutritional value. It is just cheese, cheese and more cheese. Yum. Ihad a blast with my parents and todd, then we went to my parents house and played WI together. What a great day. my momma even made me a yummy cookie cake! Thanks Mommy! I have the best fam in the world. ANd the best inlaws ever too! I got to see them on Friday and have a yummy dinner with them. They blessed me with wonderful new summer running clothes and a new shirt.
Speaking of presents. Todd got me the best present ever, but I will do another blog about that with a picture later.

Love you all!


Jenn said...

Hey sis. I am praying so hard for your money to come in. I know that it will. I prayed about it again this morning. I am so proud of you miss hard core. That is so awesome. I just wish I could be there training with you.

I am praying hard for you. I hope that you had such an awesome birthdya nad knew how incredibly special that you are. I felt like you were here because me and leah talked about you!
Well I am leaving in a few hours to get on the plane to go to thailand.. wahoo! I cannot wait. I love love love you and i hope to talk to you while I am there.
By the way-- Did you read about the beth moore lpm scripture memorizing team thing .. let's totally go. let's start saving up money now! I should have frequent flyer miles so let's go!

Vicky said...

I am glad that you had a good birthday. You are so kind to your Mommy to say that I made you a yummy birthday cookie even though it wasn't my best. You didn't even mention that it was defiantly not the best looking cookie cake you ever had, sorry about that. I love you and am praying for you to get all your money because we all know how bad cancer is and your have worked (run) hard. We love you and are so proud of you because you are who you are. Friday is almost here and we will get to go to Whitestone Inn and use our present that Jennifer gave us. Remember we have to act good because it is a nice place but I think it is our husbands we have to worry about because they are big cutups.