Hang on to your seats for lots of pics! Todd has been on "spring break this week" and we have enjoyed having him home so much. This is a picture of Todd and I at the Chattanooga Choo Choo. We went on a Date to the english rose, which you will see next, and then went to the choo choo to take pics. we had so much fun!

Todd had a gift card for the English Rose he got for Christmas(because he loves hot tea). I Loved this place. I felt so girlie and special. This may have been one of the favorite dates I have ever been on!

Here we are after "afternoon tea" at the tea room. Don't we look fancy!

Do I pull off sophistication? I had so much fun drinking the tea and eating the sandwiches.

Todd looks handsome pouring tea!

We went to different parks quite a bit because the weather was nice. This was on Wed. night, we went to Coolige Park and ran (I made Todd run 5 miles:)), then played. We were going to grill hotdogs, but then the grill wouldn't work so Todd ran to Subway and got us a footlong:)I was changing Alex's diaper here, and he didn't want to get dressed.

Here Alex is at Coolige Park. He loved palying in the grass!we were waiting on daddy to get back with the sandwiches.

HEre we are on Tuesday afternoon after running in Collegedale, and this is at IMagination Station. My new running shirt is from my wonderful mom-in law :)

We are having fun chilling at the park.

Check out my NEW RUNNING SHOES! I love love love them. T hanks to the best hubbie in the world!

And now..The best way to end the vacation! Jenn is the best sis in the whole world, and sent us to Whitestone Inn together. WE had a BLAST. WE tried to act refined:).....This is the fam walking to breakfast this morning.

Here are the men in the beautiful sparrow suite we stayed in. It was amazing.

Here is me, in my robe, with coffee and the Bible this morning. Jenn, you know that made me happy!

Dinner that night. We had a blast. and so did Alex!

Coffee that night. It was yummy coffee. I even got a too go cup of it this morning!

Aunt Jenn-Alex wore this shirt to the Whitestone to show you how much he loves you and how excited he was about his stay there!

Todd and I went on a walk and took this pic on the swing.

Todd and I chilling on the hammock at the White stone.

we were fancy smancy....A name card and everything!

Alex loved drinking water out of the fancy cup. HE tried all kinds of new things.I forgot his cereal and applesauce so we had to improvise....He ate smushed up grapes for the first time. Then we were really advenerous. We feed him the "palette cleanser" which was like lemon sorbet. He LOVED IT! Then this morning he ate a biscuit for the first time. He couldn't get enough of it. Jenn. WE had so much at the Whitestone! Thank you Jenn. It was a relaxing refreshing wonderful time with family! Jenn, check out more pics that mommy is going to put on her blog. I taught her how to pics on too.
What a wonderful week. God is so faithful!
I'm so glad your break with Todd went so well! Looks like you guys had so much fun. I love how you're rocking the scarf! You wear it so well. It looks great on you! I loved getting time with you and little man. I miss you guys already!
michelle.. these pictures are soo awesome. They made me so happy.. this just was the perfect end to a very perfect day! I cannot wait to tell you about my trip. It has been the most RELAXING amazing time I havce had in a LONG time.. I really have not moved off the beach. It has been a HUGE blessing from the lord. I did not realize how much I needed this. I am so glad that you had such an awesome week and that you guys loved the whitestone inn. i loved all the picture and you look drop dead gorgeous in all of them. I am so proud to be your sis. I will be back in kathmandu not tommorow but the next one so I will be sure to call you as soon as I can . I love you
You look amazing in your fancy pics. I can't wait to see you! I haven't forgetten about posting a link.
Those are some very cute pictures!!! I miss seeing you all. We really enjoyed spending time with you, Alex and your mama the other day. I have a birthday present for you. I will get it to you sometime soon. I heard about your wonderful meal at the Whitestone inn! Whatever made you order eggplant??? yuck! Can't wait to see you all again soon! Love you so much! Give little Alex a kiss and hug from his Aunt Laura. His little cousin Caleb talks about him all the time. Love ya! Laura
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