Even when he is sick, my little man loves to smile. He is still always on the move, although he has snuggled a bit more since he has been sick.

He will get to that glowworm:)

Don't you just want to eat that up:)

Slowly but surely he is getting bigger. He just tried oat cereal for the first time yesterday. He likes that too. It seems like he is not going to be a picky eater.

He loves that chair.

Hehhe. Aunt JEnn, Alex told me to send these pictures just for you. He can't wait for you to come home and play with him and Furby

Alex thinks Furby is hilarious!

Aunt Jenn. Alex loves you!

He loves to play with stuffed animals.

This is the way I have looked all week. No shower, in workout clothes. I basically haven't left the house this week except yesterday when Grammy came to watch Alex so I could go run. Alex has been coughing and has lots of congestion so we have chilled out at home, espicially since it is 30 degrees outside.

Alex loves his dadda so much. He calls for him all the time, and when Todd calls me on the phone Alex smiles huge.

He watches Todd everywhere he goes.

Nana came to visit Sunday. Alex loves his Nana.

Like my outfit? I changed into my pjs right after church.

Whit came over sat night and spent the night. we had a blast.So there you go, just some pics from the week. pray little man gets better soon. by the way check out the post before this too. i wrote some of the things the Lord is showing me. let me know what you think.
First of all these pictures are soo cute. I cannot get over how big he is getting. And the one with the furby in honor of aunt jenn made me laugh until snot almost came out of my nose ( i guess i was having sympathy for poor little alex). I felt a little silly becuase I am here by myself and laughing. He is the cutest thing ever. I am glad that He is staying at home with you and that even as He is sick He is smiling so big. aunt Jenn cannot quit smiling either thinking of how cute He is and how much Aunt Jenn loves Him and his mama and Daddy. Michelle I wear my pj's all the time. Dont' feel bad. I change into them just about as soon as I get home all the time. My exscuse is they are the warmest thing I own. Today after taking 2 1/2 horus to get home because I was stuck in a crazy scary community rally I promtly needed to get comfortable in my PJ's. I love love love you. This just made my evening. I tried to call you today but your phoen was off. I cannot wait to talk to you again soon. I love you
Alex, Grammy sure did enjoy seeing you the other day. You broke Grammy's heart when Mommy opened the door holding you and your little eyes were all watery and you were all congested but you made Grammy happy too because you gave her a big smile. You pictures are so cute! Mommy will have to share those pictures with Grammy and Gramps on our computer. I am glad that Mommy says you are feeling better today. I can't wait for you to come over tonight where we can play with you. We love you and your Mommy and Daddy very much!
Alex, you are just to cute!!! I miss seeing you. I love seeing your pictures. I hope that you are all well soon. Aunt Laura and Caleb can sympathize with you. I love you and your momy and daddy so very much!!!
Aunt Laura
Well, buddy, there just aren't many of us who can look so cute when we're sick! You just never stop smiling, do you? You precious little man!! You've got to hurry and come play with Anna Beth! Too bad she's your cousin, she's awfully pretty!! :) Get well soon and come see us. I can't wait to snuggle you up! I love all of you, Aunt Brenda
Hey sis.. i'm going to continue to write you comments. I just thought you might like to hear this. I was just talking to my didi maya.. she is always asking to see pictures of alex.. always saying alex miss garchu (i miss alex) so i was showing here these pictures and she say ke bayo.. tapiako bihini bhutmass.. kasari deri durplo ayo.. deri rhombri dihincha (did you get all that)... she said what happened. your sister is very small. She looks so nice. She is skinny. Tell her she is being naughty!
Thought you might like to hear that.
i love you
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