Is that not the cutest pic you have ever seen? Yesterday was beautiful 70 degrees so I went to the park with one of my longest standing friends, since kindergarten, Whitney.WE had such a great time together. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends. And Alex has lots of "girlfriends".

Alex loves to read the Bible with DAddy in the mornings.

I was so excited to get with another one of my great friends. Espcially since I did not leave the house last week:)...I met up with Shawna at Starbucks. Look Jenn, Alex is already loving his starbucks.

Shawna and Alex bonding at Starbucks. He totally flirted with her and giggled at her for a long time.

He actually spilled the rest of the cup onhim. He wanted the coffee.....A caramel macchiato to be exact.

Who could resist that?

Whit and I had so much fun with alex at the imagination station. Check out Whit's pants. i love them!

Alex driving the train.

He liked the tires.

I think he was winking for aunt Jenn.

Taking a ride with Whit.

He was flirting again.

Jenn doesnt that bible cover bring back memories. I am so blessed by wonderful girlfriends. And Jenn I can't wait till you get to take Alex to the park. And TEej, Alex also loves you so much.......Sorry I didn't have a camera with me when we saw you the other day. I love you
hey sister.. you will never know how happy you make me when you put up cute pictuers like that. you look beautiful in the pictures by the way. that just made my whole day.. (and what a great way to start a morning) I really did not think there would be pictures up because you just put them up the other day.. but you are soo good to your sister on the other side of the world that you have been super good at putting pictures up! you look GREAT and little alex just has the funnest personality-- i had such a hard time chosing which picture to make my desktop-- i picked the one where he was winking at me. I am so glad that you and whit and shawna got to hang out-- i love that alex is going to be a coffee lover-- that was a BIG coffee that shawna was drinking. I love you. hope you are having a GREAT week. (i'm glad He gets to hang out with his aunt TJ also!)
Alex, you are so adorable! Our little man is growing up to fast. He looks so growney in those pictures. I can't wait to be able to take him to the park when it gets warm everyday. Alex you can't get into this coffee thing like your Aunt Jenn. You heard how far she has gone with her love of coffee. Grammy loves you Alex and was glad to see you today.
I love your pics! Happy Birthday little munchkin! Thanks for sharing love you guys!
Happy valentines day darling!! I hope you and Todd (and the little man) have a wonderful day!
how did you get the really cool new format miss fancy-- like it alot! i miss you and i love you. hope that you had a good valentines day!
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