My daddy is such a romantic. He bought this for my mom for her knee surgery tommorow. I thought it was adorable. And Alex loves it! So I just had to put some pics of him enjoying mommy's toy. I love that my parents have been married 29 years, and my dad still brings suprises home for my mom. He is such a good example and that is how I found me such an incredible romantic hubbie! I love my daddy, and my hubbie....And isn't Alex the cutest!

Check out my $7. jeans Jenn. glory to God!
Love the Bear!!! He is soooo cute!!! Alex is the cutest though!!! I miss you all and miss getting to hold that precious boy. We enjoyed seeing you at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am looking forward to seeing you when Anna Beth comes. Give that boy a kiss and hug for me. We love you all soooo much!
Love, Aunt Laura
I want to be like that too after 29 years of marriage.
Hey sweet sister.. i cannot tell you how much I loved these pictures. Alex is just about the cutest thing ever. did I mention how much this aunt misses that little boy and that little boy's mom and dad.. and grammy and gramps. So I blew the picture up of you and Alex with the bear to be my screen saver. It just makes me want to cuddle!I love that our daddy is such a romantic to.. He sure did set a good example! will you e-mail me or skype me and let me know how mommy's sugury went! i love you
ok so i just can't staring at these cute pictures.. it's bad becuz not much power to get things done in.. but he's just so stinking cute. you must be so proud. i mean i'm so proud and i'm just the look alike aunt that he wonders why always talks to hinm for a box
Clearly he loves the bear way more than the gingerbread man I tried to take his picture with. These are so adorable!
I dare say I've never seen something so adorable! I think Alex has your lovely smile! I love you!
How cute is he propped up on that bear!! Your daddy is so sweet- I miss your family... so glad I can keep up with you guys... love you!
Oh my goodness, what a precious Lil' Man you are. You really look like you're enjoying that big ole' bear! Tell Mommie Aunt Brenda got her stitches out today and the case off! Halilouia (sp????). I love all of you and can't wait to see you when Anna Beth gets here! Kisses and hugs!!
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