This is a post of all of my(Alex's favorite things).This was inspired by Aunt Jenn, and I was sure she would want to know what all of my favorite things are. This Go vols sweatshirt is one of my favorite things to wear to keep me warm when me and mommy go jogging together.

The car seat is not one of my favorite things. However, I love the cool toy Aunt Laura gave me to go on it. And I love the "coat" that goes over it that Grammy and Gramps gave me. It keeps me warm espicially these days when it is so cold outside!

I love those plastic rings Aunt Becky and Uncle Tim gave me. I play with them all the time. And this doggie Aunt Brenda and Uncle Larry gave me sings, and it makes me smile even when I am crying.

I love my yummy rice cereal mixed with applesauce. Although my favorite food is pears. I gobble them up.

Look at me trying to crawl. I don't know if you can see, but my johnson's body wash is my favorite. I even try to eat it when mommy and daddy are giving me a bath.

I"m not a huge fan of taking a bath, but my favorite thing is mommy and daddy singing splish splash I'm taking a bath at the top of their lungs. I also like the duck I chew on.

My favorite toy in the world is that girafee. IT goes everywhere with me. The glowworm lights up and helps me fall asleep at night.

My hand is defionatly a favorite. It tastes good, and I put it in mymouth all the time!

I love this little girafee so much!Thanks Grammy and Gramps

I love to kick this ball. It is practice for soccer one day

Mommy and Daddy have this blankie in the floor at all times now. Because I love to roll around and try to eat the shag carpet. It is not good to swallow carpet fuzz. I love playing on this blankie in the living room.

My favorite thing to do is listen to Aunt Jenn talk to me from this talking box. I love her so much already.She's so pretty, like my mommy:)

I love my bouncer from aunt jenn. i have even figured out how to pull on the one that makes music.

Kay and Sterling gave this to me. IT lights up and sings and I love that!

Finally,, I just love all of you. All my wonderful fans. ! I'm the most blessed babe int he whole world!
alex. this is my favorite pictures of you ever. you look so stinking cute and cuddly. I just want to squeeze your little cute self to pieces. My favorite picture is the one of you talking to me. I cannot wait until you learn to say aunt jenn. You just look so cute and happy in all of these pictures. it looks like you are easily amused. I cannot believe you are almost crawlng. you will be learning to walk by the time i see you ! :-) your aunt jenn loves you so much and thinks you are about the cutest little guy ever.
please give yourself a big hug and kiss from me.. and then little man tell your momma (now that you are saying her name) thank you thank you for putting these pictures up because they made my whole day. I think i am a bit obsessed wtih you alex. I am always looking at your picture
love aunt jenn
You're my favorite Michelle!
Alex! I loved all the pictures of you and I think that your Mommy was great to put them on this blog and share then with us! You get bigger by the day and I love your blue eyes. Some day the girls are going to run after you. At first you want like it, but then you will start to look at them also. ha! For right now just keep on playing with those toys and exploring new things! We love you and come see us soon! love, Mama Ellis
alex.. did i mention that i wanted to snuggle you. I am such a ridiculously proud aunt.. tonight I made all friends that came over for fellowship look at your cute pictures. They all agreed that you are soo cute. i love you. kiss your momma for me.. and hug your daddy
Michelle I love the pictures of Alex! They are so cute! Aunt Jenn he is very very cute and cuddly. Alex I am glad that things that Gramps and Grammy have given you are some of your favorite things. Alex, playing with you and snuggling you is one of favorite things! Grammy had a good time with you today when you and Daddy went out to eat with me. I am sad that you didn't feel good but I loved snuggling you and you were a very good boy even though you didn't feel good. Grammy loves Alex and his parents.
Alex, you are just so cute!!! I can't wait to see you again! I am glad that you think that things we gave to you are your favorite. You are growing up so fast! I can't believe that you are almost 6 months old. You are just so very precious! I am glad that your mommy and daddy share you with all of us in taking pictures of you. Your mommy,daddy and you are so very special to us. Your Grammy, Gramps and Aunt Jenn are very speical, too. Give your mommy and Daddy and hug for us. We love you very very much!!!
Love, Aunt Laura
this made me smile. lil nephew...i love you so much! i love your mommy, daddy, grammy, gramps, aunt jenn too. ok i guess i can't leave out aunt laura and brenda..i may get a dirty note. :) LOVE YOU!!!
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