What a privledge to be sitting in the Most home in Nicaragua writing a post About God. It is such a blessing to get out of our American Box and see what God is doing around the world. I am so thankful that our wonderful church sent us here to Nicaragua. We have been beyond blessed, and challenged by the work God is doing here. We in the Estados Unidos(US) could learn so much from Karl and kathy and their ministry here. They have been the most gracious hospitable people to Todd and I. We feel sometimes like we are staying at a Bed and Breakfast:) It is weird to not be chasing after little man all day too. We were supposed to come here to be an encouragement to them, but they have encouraged us and challenged us by watching their lives.
Todd and I were privledged early sunday morning(5:30)to travel with Karl and his national partner their monthly training in a city an hou, evr from Managua. What a blessing. Karl's main ministry focus here is to train National nicaraguan youth leaders to reach their country for Christ. It was a blessing to see that in action. We were there all day, listening to this training which teaches the youth leaders to get out of their church box and into affecting the community for Christ. They have the same problem our american churches have. We go to the church all the time and do the church thing but we aren't reaching into the community. it was so neat to watch these Nicaraguan leaders learn new things and participate in group learning about how to impact their community. They were so hospitable to Todd and i, even though we struggled greatly to communicate. They speak much faster than my college spanish teacher:)hehhe. But what I did catch was amazing. Todd and I learned alot. Monday was spent learning aboutt eh Nehemiah center, which Karl works with. It is an amazing mixture of national Nicaraguan leaders and other mission organizations, all different denominations working together with one goal. To traing Nicaraugan Christians to reach their people. What an empowering ministry. It was so cool to see how they all work together. It is a picture of what heaven will be like, I believe.People of every tribe, tounge, and nation. It wont just be white baptists in heaven:) It is so incredible to see the vision of Karl and the Nehemiah center, and how it is actually happening and making a difference. What a mighty God we serve! I was convicted by my lack of impact on the community around me. Karl and his Nicaraguan team are willing to get involved in the messiness of true discipleship. One of those ways is reaching out to street gangs. Todd got to go and meet them and see the difference Christ is making in their lives. Glory. I am just taking it all in. We think God needs us, Americans. We are the ones to change lives. God doesn't need us. He allows us to be a part of what he is doing.
Besides all of this we are learning, we are just plain enjoying ourselves. It is November and I have been swimming every day for exerise. Glory. They gave us a tour of Managua yesterday. Jenn, Todd and I drank some coffee at a coffee place just for you. And it was amazing.We have laughed with karl, kathy, jared and corey,, and enjoyed being a part of their family. Please pray God would show us how we can best be an encouragement and blessing to them! I love seeing God work here, and knowing that our tiny little church in East Branierd has a part in that.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
My new love in life Jeremiah!
Well. Did that title get your attention? No..I have not gotten another son, or a new hubbie. But I have found a new love in life. The book of Jeremiah...In the Old Testament. I have just finished studying the second half of it for Precept Minisitries bible study. Wow! It was intense. Very deep bible study. Probably the hardest I have ever had to work at doing a bible study. But it was WORTH it. I took so many deep truths from Jeremiah. And because I am a processes by writing things down, I wanted to share some nuggets.....
Jer. 29:11 Is on of the most quoted verses in the Bible. I still LOVE it. But I see it differently now. Yes, we do know the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not to harm us, give us a hope and a future. However, it is deeper than that. God was telling his people in that verse....You are going to be taken captive, taken from your land to a foreign land of Babylon....Wow. That doesn't sound too good does it. God was telling them it was HIS plans..And he would give them a hope and future,even if it didn't make sense to them.We haveto remember when his plans don't make sense....They are still for OUR GOOD!
God is serious about our obedience! HE doesn't want us to just hear him, but OBEY!
God can do the impossible. And sometimes when we trust him to do what he tells us it looks crazy to other people(Jer. 32:16-28). God told JEremiah to buy real estate right after he told them they would be taken captive from the land for along time. Jeremiah said, God are you sure, that sounds crazy. God says....Behold! I am the LOrd! The God of all flesh. IS AnYthing too difficult forme? Glory!
God's WORD stands. What he spoke through Jeremiah Happened. It is not just a book in the bible...It is a living history book!
Check out Jer. 45: The Lord cares about his individual servants. And brings protection and rest to his servants when they are burnt out and weary...However..Jer. 45:5 Has been burning in my mind..Are you......(Michelle)seeking great things for yourself. Seek them not!
Wow. How many times do I seek great things for myself!
I serve a STRONG redeemer. Nothing is too hard for him. He pleads my case(Jer. 50:34!)No one summons God into court(50:44).
Jer. 51:14-17 God vs. Idols. Check out who wins!
The Purposes and plans of our STRONG God stand!
O Lord. May I apply all these truths to my life. May I speak them out to others. May I live by Listening and OBEYING you! May I walk as if your WORD truly stands. My I dwell each day in the vine(John 15). Abiding in you, the habitaation of righteousness! May I trust the plans you have for me, even if I don't understand. May I realize NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU! Thank you that Your Word stands no matter what!Help me not seek Great things for myself but for you! I love you my strong redeemer!
And the final thing...In the end. GOD WINS! We are on the winning team
Jer. 29:11 Is on of the most quoted verses in the Bible. I still LOVE it. But I see it differently now. Yes, we do know the plans He has for us, plans to prosper and not to harm us, give us a hope and a future. However, it is deeper than that. God was telling his people in that verse....You are going to be taken captive, taken from your land to a foreign land of Babylon....Wow. That doesn't sound too good does it. God was telling them it was HIS plans..And he would give them a hope and future,even if it didn't make sense to them.We haveto remember when his plans don't make sense....They are still for OUR GOOD!
God is serious about our obedience! HE doesn't want us to just hear him, but OBEY!
God can do the impossible. And sometimes when we trust him to do what he tells us it looks crazy to other people(Jer. 32:16-28). God told JEremiah to buy real estate right after he told them they would be taken captive from the land for along time. Jeremiah said, God are you sure, that sounds crazy. God says....Behold! I am the LOrd! The God of all flesh. IS AnYthing too difficult forme? Glory!
God's WORD stands. What he spoke through Jeremiah Happened. It is not just a book in the bible...It is a living history book!
Check out Jer. 45: The Lord cares about his individual servants. And brings protection and rest to his servants when they are burnt out and weary...However..Jer. 45:5 Has been burning in my mind..Are you......(Michelle)seeking great things for yourself. Seek them not!
Wow. How many times do I seek great things for myself!
I serve a STRONG redeemer. Nothing is too hard for him. He pleads my case(Jer. 50:34!)No one summons God into court(50:44).
Jer. 51:14-17 God vs. Idols. Check out who wins!
The Purposes and plans of our STRONG God stand!
O Lord. May I apply all these truths to my life. May I speak them out to others. May I live by Listening and OBEYING you! May I walk as if your WORD truly stands. My I dwell each day in the vine(John 15). Abiding in you, the habitaation of righteousness! May I trust the plans you have for me, even if I don't understand. May I realize NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU! Thank you that Your Word stands no matter what!Help me not seek Great things for myself but for you! I love you my strong redeemer!
And the final thing...In the end. GOD WINS! We are on the winning team
Friday, October 9, 2009
Picture Post

Well that about catches the past 3 months in pictures;)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thankful Thursday!

I am so thankful for.....
My hubbie. He is such a pic of God and his unfailing love. He truly amazes me!
God is Jehovah Jireh. I have seen him provide in HUGE ways this week and I am so humbled and thankful! Thank you Jesus!
Fall.....Wahoo. We left the windows open last night. This weather makes me come alive!
Pumpkin spice. Right now I am putting it in everything, cuz it reminds me of fall
Wonderful friends!
Being able to teach Good News Club!
My church!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Favorite Things Friday!
These are a few of my favorite things right now:)
Cherry limemade Walmart Drink packet you put in your water. Jenn-It makes me come alive..but I am out now:(
Fall! Rainy fall days. I love them so much.
Watching saved by the bell with Jenn till late night last night:)
My Precept Jeremiah bible study. It is tough..More like doing homework than bible study but I love it.
Anything Karen Kingsbury. I think I have read every book she has written. I love her!
My gel pen that is multicolored:)
When Alex is sleepy and holds tight to his blankie. It is just so cute.
My Old Navy yoga pants(don't worry I don't wear them out of the house, they would scare everyone)
Alex's new toy someone from chuch gave him. It is this big multicolored box that has those thingies like in doctor's offices with the wooden beads you move all up and down the litle columns(minus the pediatricians office germs). He loves it and it keeps him occupied for quite some time.
Whole wheat pasta noodles
What are your favorite things?
Cherry limemade Walmart Drink packet you put in your water. Jenn-It makes me come alive..but I am out now:(
Fall! Rainy fall days. I love them so much.
Watching saved by the bell with Jenn till late night last night:)
My Precept Jeremiah bible study. It is tough..More like doing homework than bible study but I love it.
Anything Karen Kingsbury. I think I have read every book she has written. I love her!
My gel pen that is multicolored:)
When Alex is sleepy and holds tight to his blankie. It is just so cute.
My Old Navy yoga pants(don't worry I don't wear them out of the house, they would scare everyone)
Alex's new toy someone from chuch gave him. It is this big multicolored box that has those thingies like in doctor's offices with the wooden beads you move all up and down the litle columns(minus the pediatricians office germs). He loves it and it keeps him occupied for quite some time.
Whole wheat pasta noodles
What are your favorite things?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thankful Thursday!

I know my blog reading peeps. This is a long overdue post! I just haven't sat down at the computer long enough to write. Also, my most devoted reader(Jenn) is now with me live and in person, so she doesn't beg for the pics of Alex as much!
I wanted to write a little post on things lately that make me happy. Make me thankful to be alive. To have the gift of life. Little things and big things!
I am thankful that.......
My momma taught alex how to fold his hands together and say Dear God, Thank you....It is so adorable, and I love that he just randomly does it throughout the day. It is really funny when he does it when he is in trouble.That little stinker.
Alex is learning to praise dance. When I put on praise music, he starts bouncing up and down. It is too cute.
Jenn is home!Wahoo. And living with her wonderful sis in law..hehhe or however that works. Alex is so blessed with his aunts!
My parents are such godly examples and blessings to us!
I have the best hubbie in the world. He made me homemade biscuits and gravy on Saturday morning! Wow!
My jogging stroller my wonderful aunts(you guys are the best) gave me. It needs to get going alot more though since I am training for the disney world marathon in JANUARY(please keep me accountable)
I love my church fam. What a blessing they are!
Fall is coming! Wahoo...I love it love it!
Monday, August 17, 2009
First Birthday festivities!

Well Mommy said she didn't want to overwhelm everyone with pics. she will put more on later. and nana and pop, she said to tell the pics of me with you at the party got on someone else's camera. she will put them on when she goes to grammy's house. i love you guys, and I love the presents you gave me!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
One year old!

My little man is one year old today! I can't believe it. I could never have realized how much I would love that little man when he was growing inside of me. What a year of blessings it has been. i can't even really put it into words. I was reading over my old journal this morning from his first few months of life. God truly taught me so much through that wonderful but exhausting time. Wow! This has been a year of completely relying on the Lord for strength and wisdom. And He has been so faithful to give it to me. I can't believe how much Alex has changed in a year. He went from a tiny little guy whose ears were the biggest part of his body, who wanted to be held all the time and loved to snuggle to a guy who NEVER slows down. He is toddling around everywhere right now. He is so curious and into everything. He is currently taking the books off daddy's book shelf:) He has the best personality. He loves LoVES people, thrives off of people and activities. He is the most flexible baby ever! He loves new adventures. HE loves animals, espically doggies. He talks all the time. (wonder where he got that from). He LOVES music, and I am already teaching him how to praise the Lord. He smiles all the time and his whole face smiles. He has the most beautiful blue eyes ever. I love watching the wonder in his eyes when he discovers new things. I love how mischevious his is, how he looks at me and laughs when he knows he is doing something he is not supposed to. He loves food(a true hand). Any food! Alex, I truly pray you will live out your name- HElper of mankind(Alex) Who is LIke the Lord(Michael). I love you Alex. I love your personality. I love your smile. I love that you talk to your animals in your crib when you don't want to nap. I love how much you love water and swimming. How fearless you are. I pray you use your passion for people and life to one day bring people to Jesus. I pray you are an evangelist like Daddy!
Ok, I have to go wipe my eyes now, then I am heading to the Creative discovery museum for a little fun with my bday boy!
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