The cutest couple ever leaving for their honeymoon.

Cheese and I at the reception

Our little fam. Notice he is in a different outfit at the reception, cuz he pooped everywhere...hehhe.

Me and the glowing bride.

I had a blast at Shawna and Harrison's wedding.. They are the cutest couple ever. The wedding was so much fun...The day before the wedding not so fun....I had a very bad virus, with a fever of 102....I missed out on all the pre wedding fun...bummer. but I am excitedthe Lord allowed me to go to the wedding. This pic is hilarious. Shawna had a Virginia TEch garter which Harrison loved.

Cheese caught the bouquet.....I think it was planned. But there was some fighting over it:) Watch out girls..

I was so glad to be escorted by Chris. I knew I could count on him to keep me from falling on my humoungous heels:)

Beth and Jeremiah were making little man smile after the ceremony. Doesn't he look so cute in his grown up outfit:) Except he pooped all over it in the reception.

Me and my handsome hubbie. So you notice the new haircut, i"m sure. I love it love. Great Clips did not do me wrong this time.

Alex was so good, held by Grammy at the ceremony.

Me and the cutest little man ever.

Jenn, I hope these pics made you feel like you were there. I love you!
You sure made an amazing recovery!!!!!!!!!!!! I totally Love your hair cut. It is so adorable! Love all the pics. Hate I missed the wedding! Love you.
you were so pretty! as always but extra on this day. :) and my nephew was pretty good looking too i must say.
oh my goodness michelle.. these pictures made my whole day. Number one comment.. you looked absolutly gorgeous.. amazing.. beuatiful.. number two comment for you.. wowsers.. alex is getting soo big. I could almost not stop laughing wtih tears in my eyes when i saw the picture of my little man. I cannot believe how much he has changed.. He is absolutly the cutest thing I have ever seen. I am soo in love. I miss you soo much. I am going to try to e+mail you.. but this computer is in swedish.. so i cannot figure out how to find the at key to get into my e+mail.. somehow i found this page.. not sure how.. itäs hilarous. we are staying at a hotel tonight, going into stockholm tommorow then coming back to the hotel tommorow night to leave earlyt he next morning for london. This hotel is the fanciest most modern thing i have ever seen.. but the only thing close to the airport and we are staying here since we have an early flight. love this life. then on to london.. then.. well.. back to real life. i have soo much to talk wth you about. thank you so much for the picturtes.. i love love love them
I love love love your short hair!! Such a good look for you, and all the pictures are great... everyone looks so good- I miss you guys!!
i look at the pictures of beautiful you and cute alex and the rest of the fam on every computer i can get my hands on. i am missing you like crazy and canät wait to talk to you. onwards to london this morning
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