Big Eyes:)
His grammy loves him
Can I just say I love being a momma. A stay at home momma at that. I was so praising the Lord last week, because it was six weeks since Little Man had been born. It would have been the week I was going back to work. But Mahima as Jenn would say! God made a way...He is the God of the Impossible, for me to stay at home with little man. That means Glory, I get to be the one to see him roll over for the first time(which he did yesterday, completley from his tummy to his back). I get to see his smiles , and watch him play with his favorite toy, aunt jenn's moose. I get to pray with him in the morning, and praise the Lord with him in the afternoon...PraISE the Lord. I am so blessed beyond measure, and am truly living in my "promised land" as believing God would say.
Of course it isn't always easy. There are defionatly challenges that come with motherhood, just ask kellie who came to see me sunday afternoon when I couldn't stop crying and neither could Alex;)God is continuing to refine me and teach me to be free from selfishness. He is also teaching me so so so much from Colossians aobut what Jesus has really done for me, rescuing me from the kingdom of darkness. Reconciling me to God. Making me complete. Giving me all wisdom and knowledge. It is amazing what blessings we have "In him" ....And then comes the convicting part, chapter 2. Just as you have received Christ Jesus...So also walk in him. In other words let him lead your life. that includes putting on a heart of compassion, gentleness, humility, kindness, patience and forgiveness(col. 3). I have a l ong way to go in walking like Jesus. Praise the Lord for his grace
In other news, I have starting working out at the Y thanks to my very generous sis Jen. I am loving it. I can't wait to get into exercising.
I am so honored to be the first to post! I can't believe how much has changed in even less than a week! Keep though pictures coming! I also am excited to see how God is growing you up and molding you through motherhood! You are doing a great job! Thank you for encouraging me!
michelle belly-- oh my goodness i cannot believe how big he has grown. I cannot get over how cute his little cheeks are.. they are getting fatter! I love him soo much. Thank you so much for putting pictures of him up for me to see.. that made my day and I am soo glad that you are enjoying your present of the ymca! I love you sister. I am having an awesome time in bangladesh. it's very weird to be on a missionary compound though. makes me quite glad I don't live on one!
aww i love the new pictures... he is growing so much already!! love the updates.. pray you are getting the rest you need! love you!!
i keep gazing at the beautiful pics of my little man. i miss him so much. I am back in the country as of a few hours ago from my januts in bangladesh so I am going to call you as soon as I can.. I missed talking to you like crazy. I love you sista
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