Intriguing title huh? I just had to write some things God has been burning in my heart, and totally threw at me this morning. Wow. God is so faithful to convict and teach.
I have been praying alot lately that God would help me live each day with purpose. Eternal purpose. As Todd would say, cuz he loves to use this word, to impregnate each day(is that even a real word todd?) with purpose and mission. What does that look like?
Well a guest pastor preached on Sunday on exactally that. Living with mission means living each day taking up your cross daily and following after him. When Jesus said that in Luke, he was speaking to PEter. He was telling Peter, this is not going down like you want it too, like you expect it too, the way you are comfortable. I have a bigger mission than you see, I don't just want to be conquering king of the Jews, taking over the Roman oppression. i am going to SAVE THE WHOLE WORLD FROM THEIR SIN! Wow. Talk about a better, bigger plan than Peter had. But in order for that to happen it would take sacrifice. Pain...Hurt even Jesus wanted God to have another way.
In light of that, sometimes being on mission for God means sacrificing my own want and desires for his. Sacrificing my own comforts, my own fears to share the gospel and live missionaly. The pastor asked on Sunday morning, our best life is not now, it is to come. Are you living in light of that now? Living on mission, waiting for Jesus to come back.
This morning God led me to Ps. 90 in my quiet time. Awesome passage. REad the whole thing. it reminds us that we are like grass, here today and gone tommorow. Sobering huh? In vs 9 and 10 it says, a healthy life lives 80 years. For"soon it is gone and then we fly away"....I love vs 12 Teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom" Oh how I want to live numbering my days like today could be my last. This is my prayer I am not praying for Todd, alex and I, and I challenge you to pray it too. I am going to pray it every day, and see how the Lord begins to change my perspectives in life.
"Let thy work appear to Thy servants, and Thy majesty to their children, and let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and do confirm(make permanent,establish) for us the works of our hands, yes confirm the work of our hands). I want the work God calls me to each day to be a permanent, eternal work,where I am impacting people for eternity!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
technologically challenged
well forgive me for my last post. For some reason the captions for the pics appeared way below all the pics. So it doesn't really make sense. So I guess make it into a game, trying to figure out which picture goes with which caption:)sorry.
More pics/life lately
alex in church nursery. He loves the attention he gets there. The whole church spoils him. What a blessing to be in the body of Christ at Westview.

pitiful face huh.
This was taken at a cabin in Pigeon Forge. little man got to go on a road trip, and eavesdrop at the elder's retreat for our church. Todd and the "elders"planned the calendar for 2009 while us wives played in pigeon forge. Alex loved the attention, but did not want to sleep, because he was just having too much fun. Jenn, not tomake you jealous, but we ate at the apple barn and had some good southern cooking!
What a fun sunday afternoon I had. Kellie, my wonderful sis in law came over to visit. I love hanging out with her.
Daddy loves being a daddy. Check out the paw print on Alex's butt. I always hate teenage girl pants that have words on them because they draw attention to the wrong places, but who can resist alex's cute butt:)hehhe.
Daddy and Alex playing together.
Todd and I decided to stop at Fazoli's in Cleveland on the way to pigeon forge. Who just happened to be there, but Kellie? Crazy huh. So we had dinner with her and Khlaid.
So life is going well. I am loving watching alex grow. He made a girlfriend today. There was a couple at church today who had a baby born one day after Alex. they were fast friends, drooling and cooing at eachother.
Remember today. God has transfered you from the kingdom of darkness to light. Glory hallelujah! So let's be live in the light of his redeeming love today!

pitiful face huh.
This was taken at a cabin in Pigeon Forge. little man got to go on a road trip, and eavesdrop at the elder's retreat for our church. Todd and the "elders"planned the calendar for 2009 while us wives played in pigeon forge. Alex loved the attention, but did not want to sleep, because he was just having too much fun. Jenn, not tomake you jealous, but we ate at the apple barn and had some good southern cooking!
What a fun sunday afternoon I had. Kellie, my wonderful sis in law came over to visit. I love hanging out with her.
Daddy loves being a daddy. Check out the paw print on Alex's butt. I always hate teenage girl pants that have words on them because they draw attention to the wrong places, but who can resist alex's cute butt:)hehhe.
Daddy and Alex playing together.
Todd and I decided to stop at Fazoli's in Cleveland on the way to pigeon forge. Who just happened to be there, but Kellie? Crazy huh. So we had dinner with her and Khlaid.
So life is going well. I am loving watching alex grow. He made a girlfriend today. There was a couple at church today who had a baby born one day after Alex. they were fast friends, drooling and cooing at eachother.
Remember today. God has transfered you from the kingdom of darkness to light. Glory hallelujah! So let's be live in the light of his redeeming love today!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Gingerbread boy:)
Alex loves his wonderful daddy!
He is not sure about being kissed right then.
Look hkow long he has gotten Jenn. Maybe he is going to be tall.
this are these funky hanging chairs my dad bought for his media room. they hang from the ceiling. Cool huh?
The funky chair:)
I hate halloween, but I loved the trunk or treat my church did last year. This year, the cutest gingerbread boy in the world will be the best dressed out there:) my wonderful momma made his cutie pie gingerbread outfit!
Doesn't he just steal your heart?
He is smiling for Aunt Jenn.
He looks up to something
Yes, I occassionaly do get dressed. but defionatly not as often now that I am a new momma. Not the best pic of me, but Jenn, I thought you might want to see me.
Monday, October 13, 2008
End of Roman Road
Wasn't that an exciting title post...hehhe. did it get your interest? Heheh. My pastor has been preaching through romans for 2 years. And he just finished on Sunday. I spent some time this morning reviewing all the Lord has taught me through that time, and what I had actually applied, and what I still needed to apply. It was powerful! I won't boer you with all the details, but I will say through it all God has truly kicked my tail in a couple of areas. One, that I don't need to be wise in my own eyes. I have no room for pride. Even though i was saved at 7, before I messed up a whole bunch, I need ot remember that there is no one righteous, no not one. All have sinned...even me.hehhe. of course me. It just reminds me afresh of the POWER of salvation. the next thing is not being ashamed of the gospel. laboring in prayer for people who don't know the gospel. Telling people who have never heard. I have not been very good at applying that, but I took the first step today towards sharing with someone who is not a believer and teh Lord has allowed me to have a relationship with. It waws so so super exciting~ Finally there is alot in romans about giving up my own will, being a living sacrifice. fervently serving the Lord. Being diligent to serve the body of Christ, even if it is inconvenient. I think I am doing much better at that since those series of sermons. but I have a long way to go.
I am so blessed at the grace and love of the Lord as I learn these lessons. What has the Lord been teaching you?
I am so blessed at the grace and love of the Lord as I learn these lessons. What has the Lord been teaching you?
Friday, October 3, 2008
I love being a momma
Big Eyes:)
His grammy loves him
Can I just say I love being a momma. A stay at home momma at that. I was so praising the Lord last week, because it was six weeks since Little Man had been born. It would have been the week I was going back to work. But Mahima as Jenn would say! God made a way...He is the God of the Impossible, for me to stay at home with little man. That means Glory, I get to be the one to see him roll over for the first time(which he did yesterday, completley from his tummy to his back). I get to see his smiles , and watch him play with his favorite toy, aunt jenn's moose. I get to pray with him in the morning, and praise the Lord with him in the afternoon...PraISE the Lord. I am so blessed beyond measure, and am truly living in my "promised land" as believing God would say.
Of course it isn't always easy. There are defionatly challenges that come with motherhood, just ask kellie who came to see me sunday afternoon when I couldn't stop crying and neither could Alex;)God is continuing to refine me and teach me to be free from selfishness. He is also teaching me so so so much from Colossians aobut what Jesus has really done for me, rescuing me from the kingdom of darkness. Reconciling me to God. Making me complete. Giving me all wisdom and knowledge. It is amazing what blessings we have "In him" ....And then comes the convicting part, chapter 2. Just as you have received Christ Jesus...So also walk in him. In other words let him lead your life. that includes putting on a heart of compassion, gentleness, humility, kindness, patience and forgiveness(col. 3). I have a l ong way to go in walking like Jesus. Praise the Lord for his grace
In other news, I have starting working out at the Y thanks to my very generous sis Jen. I am loving it. I can't wait to get into exercising.
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