Well. who knew nursing was going to teach me so much about God and myself. ...For those of you that need clarification, that would be the feeding baby type of nursing, not nursing like going to nursing school, which hilariously I once thought God was calling me too.k
It has defionatly taught me how selfish I am. Sometimes I just plain don't feel like sitting for 30 to 45 minutes nursing. Espicially in the middle of the night. But my little man needs me, and needs me to feed him. And he doesn't necessarily do it in my convenient schedule:). It has also taught me to learn to be patient and sit still. Sometimes I just want little man to hurry up...But I need to practice being still and patient and feeding my little man.
Now for the spiritual applications. Alex craves my milk every 2 hours on the dot...Hehe. It is like he has an internal clock. Peter says we are to crave the word like Alex craves my milk. Oh that I would be that desperate for the word of God...I need it in me..I need the belt of truth every minutes. I need to be walking in the truth for strength all day long.
In Isisiah, it talks about how a mom would not forget her nursing babe, and God does not forget us. I never ignore Alex's cries when he is hungry. I know he needs me. Think how much more God hears our cries, and gives us exactally what we need when we need it:)
I married the most amazing wonderful woman in the world! You are so incredible. I loved your spiritual insights.
Love, Hubbs
This is awesome post.. way to go sister. I miss you soo much and I am praying for you as you continue the milking process.. hehehe. i just think you need to get one of those things like we saw at the dairy farm on tv. I am praying hard for you. I miss my little man soo much (and you more then I could ever say.. I had coffee this mornign with the hazelnut biscotti creamer and wished that I was having it with you) but I feel God's presnece and peace like I never have before. He is soo good to us michelle. I am so glad that I got to come home and meet the newest love of my life Alex, and spend time with you guys, my incredible family!! Hey check out Jan Silvious's website, (i don't remember what it is, but just google her).. .she did a whole blog entry about meeting me.. can you believe it.. wahoo.. I was floored and soo suprised! Glory! And she used me as Jenn in nepal.. so now quoted by two of the big dogs!
You are just so precious. I love you.
I cannot think of another person who could take their breast feedung encouters and apply them to biblical truths! How cool is that! You have a gift for seeing the spirtual in the day to day stuff! Love you
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