Monday, April 14, 2008

Back from the Dead and Women of JOY!

Well, I am officially back from the dead. I am not trying to be dramatic like Jenn:) but I really did think I wanted to die on Thursday when Todd and I both had the stomach virus. I will spare you the really gross and dramatic details and just say praise the LORD for a virus that only lasts 24 hours. I was so praying God would heal me in time to go to the Woman of Joy conference with some of my favorite people, my momma and my two wonderful aunts. God is so faithful, and healed me quickly, and by Saturday lunch I was chowing down on way too many apple fritters at the apple barn....Yum Yum. I had a BLAST at Women of Joy! First of all, any time you get my mom and I and my aunts together there is going to be lots of laughing...Lots of laughing.....But also, the Lord just blessed my socks off with the speakers. Priscilla Shirer and Kay Arthur rocked my world. I left totally refreshed. They spoke on what God has already been teaching me, but just reminded me again. He is a BIG God and I can trust him to do BIG ImPOssible things. And I can expect him to show up in my reality, just like he hid the blind begger bartemaus who was physcially, socially, and emotionally needy. Jesus met all those needs. Just like the woman who bled for 12 years. a touch from Jesus healed her. I want to be like Caleb and Joshua who allowed the Spirit to control their minds, and not the grasshopper mentality of the other 12 spies and said God will help us overcome the Land.
I want big faith. I am excited to see where God leads me as he teaches me about Big faith.


Anonymous said...

So good to get an update! I would love to have a phone conversation soon. I miss you a ton! I'll be praying for you as you trust God for big things! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweety,

I'm glad you (and I) are feeling better. and i want to tell you that I admire your faith!!! I look forward to what God will do with us too.

your Hubbs

Jenn said...

your hubbs.. now isn't that cute. I talked to my moms this morning on the computer. She said that you guys had a great tiem at the conference. I am so glad that you had an awesome time. I am also so glad to know that you were able to eat mexican food and apple fritters! I admire you faith also and I cannot wait to see what God does through your big faith.

Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

Hey Sorry I have not posted! I love Kay Arthur! I am glad your better. I'll talk to you soon! Glad you are better!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you got to feeling better. I was going to be disappointed if you didn't get to go to the I prayed extra hard and it worked. Eh, I know the Man that made that happen and I'm kinda in love with him too..haha. Looking forward to some sister time and brother in-law..can't forget him. Love ya!
Katy G.

Vicky said...

I am very glad that God answered all our prayers and healed you quickly. I am so glad that you got to go to the conference with us. It was fun wasn't it with your silly Momma and two Aunts. Even little one let it's presence be know by kicking Mommy. I hope you are having a great day. It was great that you and Todd came by last night. Even if we did have to share our dessert with you. We didn't mind at all we were glad that you came. Just wanted to say hi to let you know that I do read your blogs. Love you lots.