Monday, December 17, 2007

Caramel popcorn, cookies and more

Wow...Can I say I am defionatly full scale in the Christmas spirit. Glory! I love this time of year, espically now that it is cold outside. I pray it stays cold untill after Christmas....I even have a scarf on...A beautiful suprise scarf by the way that Shawna gave me during our Monday morning Beth Moore/coffee ritual:)...She makes it worth it to get up at five in the morning for sure.
Todd and I had a busy weekend. Friday we had dinner with the OverCash's and then Todd and I went out for a romantic dessert date to the Macaroni Grill. Chocolate ravioli. Glory!
Saturday I dragged Todd around town Christmas shopping. We actually had a great time. It is fun to be creative with Christmas presents and spread the dollars out:) Then on top of that we went grocery shopping, then I came home and cleaned house and made cookies for sunday night's church fellowship at our house. ..Go ahead just call me the Proverbs 31 woman...hehhe. Just kidding I am far from it.
Sunday fellowship at our house was a blast... Diane. james and Angela. Katy...the rents...and stephen and andrew. I made them play a cheesy christmas game..and they liked it....even if they pretended not too.hehhe.
I just love this time of the year...Then last night, i took turns between making caramel corn as presents for the ladies at work and watching the Survivor China finale, which I admit I have gotten addicted to...
Isn't this the most wonderful time of the year.....Jesus came to earth..Glory! He emptied himself of all glory to himself.....I pray next year I empty myself and try to only bring Glory to God


Anonymous said...

Michelle: TJ said you had a blog so I thought I would check in and see what's happening. wow! You have become the true house wife. All this cooking, baking, shopping and just being a true and loving wife! I am so happy that things are going so well for you. Have you heard from your sister in a while? Just checked her blog, but no now post! Hang in there......I'll check back with you again soon. Momma Ellis

Jenn said...

hey proverbs 31 woman.. i am so impressed by you.. but you should also be impressed by me.. since you couldn't understsnd me on the phone today (i am sad about that.. i am sorry if you thought something was wrong, I was simply yelling so that you could understand me.) I am soo glad that you have this blog to update me on your life.. you better keep up with it!!! Mommy told me that you had some issues making some chocholoate cookies the other day! I love hearing all the details of your day. I am about to post on my blog about my past few days... and then i am gong to call you again when it is later and hopefully working better.. and you can just tell them at work to give you a break. i love you sis