it has been far too long since I have posted a blog.Not because I think I have anything earth shattering and exciting to say but because it is a great way to record ,y daily life to look back on in a few years and say wow..Time moves so fast..and I don't want to miss one minute of what God has planned for us.
well this post is about strange answers to prayers.I am so thankful that God hears our hearts and Nasir's our prayers in better and sometimes more unusual ways than we can imagine!
so I am at the very large and uncomfortable stage of pregnancy lol..exhibit a..

I have found myself in the last month wishing time to go by faster....dreaming of not being pregnant anymore and holding baby abigail in my arms.Wanting time to hurry hurry hurry so it didn't feel like every thing took so much effort. I have found myself short on patience with my two lovely little ones, and praying bedtime comes quickly so I can just rest.
However the Lord had been working on me to change my perspective.To remind me that this time only happens once. I only have this day this day to do what God has called me to today! No matter how much energy or effort it takes. I only have this day to have a amazing energetic, superhero loving crazy funny five year old and a mischevious, climbing, hilarious chasing after her little brother all day 20 month old

So I prayed a simple quick prayer. Lord, help me enjoy this time. Not rush through it..Spend these days in your presence basking in what you have planned for me each day. The only short time left we have to be a fam of 4.ANd God answered in the most unusual, Eph 3:20 more than I could imagine way..By giving my awesome son the chicken pox..I know it sounds crazy!Thursday morning my little man woke up crying and saying mommy I am itching and my belly hurts...sure enough..little man was covered in little itchy red bumps...we marched straight to the doctor...Lol..Alex has had both chicken pox vaccines..The docs said..Well this never happens. This is so unusual..We never see this when you get the vaccines...Ha. We never do things the normal way.ButGod!!!He knew this was part of his special answer to my prayer..You see..Chicken pox is contagious. In fact, I feel like we had the plauge. we were ushered out the back door hehhe..And told he would be contagious for 3 to 5 days..
Why am I seeing this as a good thing? as a blessing?Because it slowed our lives down for 5 days!And it was some of the best family time ever. We could not go anywhere, not even on walks with our friends or playdates at the playground. So I had 5 days of focused time at home with my kids.And it was such a blessing!Thankfully Alex was unaffected by chicken pox besides being itchy. He has as much energy and wanting to play as ever. we had the best 5 days playing outside in our sand table, playing in little blue little tikes pool in the driveways, blowing bubbles, playing superheros!And I asked God to help me enjoy every minute. NOt to hurry one moment along.
God was so faithful to answer that prayer! He really gave me the chance to SLOW down and see The blessings he had for me to come alive in the NOW. Todd was able to spend so much time with us this weekend and we had a blast playing in sprinkler and our tiny little pool. I even kidnapped Jenn for the day and night, and between her and todd and my little amount of help we were able to complete my nesting project of changing my room and alex and hopes room. I was so happy with the final product.Ok, by the way, it wasn't a little project.but jenn and todd did all the work lol.these past few days were such fun family time I didn't even stop to get any pics. we were just busy enjoying life together.
I am so glad the Lord answered my prayers in a crazy way...Through the chicken pox..And God wants to answer your prayer in a crazy way too..And
slow your life down. No matter what you feel you are hurrying through life to do...ask God to slow you down and help you enjoy where he has you now.....