In 2013 I was tested on the power and truth of these verses.Already starting the year emotionally tired from a newborn and having just had to give up our foster son who we thought we were going to adopt..Then boom.In February my beloved daddy..My hero.My bed time story teller growing up.My spiritual hero was admitted to hospital..Almost died..Then boom..more bad news..Leukemia.agressive.scary.swrious..deadly leukemia..This led to a 30 day..very long..emotionally draining time in hospital..balancing being daughter and siter was hard.on top of sleep deprivation because baby girl had chronic earaches..Some days I thought..really Lord..count it all joy?

on the light to upgrade to emergency status..the following days were harder than you can
imagine..count it all joy.really Jesus?i am trying to be mommy to traumatized 5 year girl with head injuries who won't eat or drink.and hubs in icu who doesn't understand why i can't be there more to love won love of my life.some days those times in hospital I thought Lord i can't do this
Count it all joy? really

This isn't sounding like a very happy post is it? Well..I am writing this because It is thanksgiving week. ANd I I have more to be thankful for than I can ever imagine. The Lord has been faithful:) My little girl is walking, talking, and fine! My hubs is handsome as ever, with no long term affects from accident. ANd...MY DAD IS CANCER FREE! Glory glory...But I am writing this thankkgsiving post not because all of those miracles. But because even if all this had not turned out the way it had. I believe the Lord would have still helped me count it all joy. Because I have realized through all this. WE cannot count it all joy on our own. We dont have the strength to count it all joy. There were some days I thought I just couldn't get through the day..However...God truly does give super human strength to count it all joy. The prov 31 woman gets alot of flac. But when it calls her a strong woman it is using the same word that says david had the strenth to jump over walls and defeat troops. God gives us super human strength when we need it. to press in. to count it all joy no matter the outcome. and to Trust him. I dont want to ever forget what I learned through the sleepless nights. The pain of watching those closest to me suffer.And most of all count it all joy. Be thankful!The lord has drawn nearer to me when I had nothing left in me. He loved on me when I was unlovable. HE has been faithful!And for that this thanksgiving I am thankful!