Sunday, December 26, 2010

Incredible Christmas!

Wow. This has been the best Christmas I have ever had...God has loved on me so much. It was just what I needed after a very stressful first few weeks transitioning to having matthew in our home. (I think it is helpful to have all the extra hands around when Im with family)...But Wow. A white Christmas. ANd getting snowed in at my parents house. Unlimited family time....I couldn't ask for more. But I"m telling you the best gift this year...I have seen a little boy who came to us hardly talking, barely able to communicate, fit pictching........Kind of just there little boy..become....A shiny eyed, running around...laughing, making us laugh, talking little boy....Wow. God has already begun to transform our little matthew. Right before our eyes. It is the most exciting thing I have ever been a part of...And seeing my family and Todd's family love on Matthew. IT is the most amazing thing I hae ever seen. That little boy has us wrapped around his finger.Most of all..My hero is my little Alex. HE has adapted so quickly to having a brother in the house who requires alot of attention. He has loved on, played with, wrestled with and prayed for(and bit..and hit:) our little matthew.....God is so good. Watching Matthew transform with our love reminds me of how much God/s love transforms me:) Thank God today for loving you!

Friday, December 17, 2010

On life as a foster parent:)

So the Christmas story is all about interuptions:) Mary and Joseph's lives were totally interupted by God. They weren't planning to have the son of God. But they said Yes. They said I am your servant. I will do as you say....I just taught my kids sunday school class about saying yes to God. Then God asked me...Will you say yes...Will you say yes to a beautiful boy named Matthew. 4 years old with developmental level of one year old. a cute little boy partially paralyzed. ONe who has seizures. Who is so funny. Loves to smile, giggle and clap. Loves to dance..Loves to get into mischeif:)Will you say yes to interuption during the busiest time of the year:) Will you say yes...or be the inn keeper and say there is no room in this inn.Well God alone gave Todd and I the grace to say yes. We got little matthew on tuesday night. Wow! OUr lives have changed over night. But boy do I love this little guy. HE is so precious, snuggly and hilarious. I believe God for big plans for this boy no matter what medical doctors may say...And wow. Alex has said yes too. He has been amazing. HE loves little matthew. HE has been so flexible in getting a little brother overnight:) He treats him like a little brother. Now I have two little guys running around, wrestling, fighting over toys and getting into mischeif:) Wow! Alex was even in the back seat telling matthew about jesus yesterday:) WEll life has changed for me. I don't sit down. No rest.....Chasing two little ones around. Bed times and meal times have been a process. Nap time..non existant:) but through it all God has been so so faithful. I know his grace is the only thing getting me through. THe only thing giving me the strength is Jesus. I know he has called us to this. and I am clinging to the promise. FAithful is He who called you and He will do it. That is somewhere in 1 thess. Wow. Now i am off too more chasing around:)Believing God to pour into this little guy and my little guys. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I LOVE Christmas. I love all the cheesiness about it. I love decorating the tree. I love cold weather. I love hot chocolate. I love Christmas music.....espicially the Alabama Christmas cd:) I love christmas lights. christmas cards. christmas gifts..And now I add to that. I love Alex in his footie christmas pajamas. I love watching him look at the tree and lights. I love hearing him see the tree every morning and say Lets celebrate Christmas mommy. But most of all I love teaching him what Christmas is all about....Jesus....I have done a homemade advent calendar with him this year, so todd and I have tried to do fun activities with him every day to teach him the real meaning of Christmas. Yesterday we were really brave. We did an art project..WITH PAINT!It was a blast. we had him paint all over letters that spelled hope. ANd he can already tell us..we have hope at christmas because Jesus sent a savior. Glory Glory...!
I am trying to remember that in the busyness of the season. It is all about the HOPE of Jesus. Saving me from my many sins. A baby..Alex's age when the wisemen came to visit...SAved me from my sin. WOW. This year has been long in many ways. Me wishing and hoping for another baby...But I want to remember my HOPE IS NOT IN ANOTHER BABY but THE BABY.The baby who died on the cross for my sins. Jesus Christ.....He has given me so much hope this year. ANd his HOPE does not dissapoint! Check out Romans 15:13! Have a hope filled Christmas