Alex had so much fun at the Aquarium with Grammy, Aunt laura, Grandaddy, and Josh and Caleb. However, by the second part, he fell asleep. Fast asleep. I think he was worn out from how much fun he had. I don't think he has ever had so much fun in his life.

Crazy me. This bubble thing is actually for kids. You have to crawl to get into it. Here I am trying to get in there with Alex on my stomach. It was quite hilairous. I think I drew a crowd.

Group photo. There are fish behind us.

Alex was AMAZED at everything. ANd kept saying fishie, fishie.

He is so much fun!

He thought he could touch the fish.

I love this pic. You can see his reflection in the glass. He looks so serious HE was studying the penguins. They made him giggle.

One of the penguins swimming by him.

Family group pic . Notice Alex is eating the penguins beak.

Alex tried so hard to catch a butterfly in the butterfly garden.

He got close to one!

Checking out the critters.

Notice the huge smile on his face. He got to touch the sting rays and laughed and laughed. Don't worry, I was holding tight onto him.

At the sting ray tank. We had a blast at the aquarium today. Alex loves nature. I cant wait untill he is old enough to realize is is his CREATIVE God who made it all! The heavens declare the glory of God, the earth is full of his Glory!