This is Trease and me leg wrestling on Buck Bald. that is my new fav sport. I was laughing so hard.....Trease is such an incredible woman of God. Ihad a blast with her at camp.

This is our whole youth group plus the youth group from Decatur TN on the steps of camp.

This is our youth group up at Buck Bald, the prettiest place ever where God moved in a huge way! It was so hot, but after the sun went down it felt great.

A family shot at Buck Bald. Jenn remember last time you where up there with Todd and I 7 years ago and you knew we would get married. Crazy huh...Now we are with a little man.....God does more than we can ask or imagine!

Alex sleeping on Buck BAld, sharing a blanket with Steven.

Alex and Mamma Smeltzer the best camp cook ever.

Alex is ready to climb the climbling wall!

Me and Alex chilled like this all week. He loved riding on mommy as we walked around to the different activities.

Alex with the ladies.

We had lots of great baby sitters. This is megan a girl who received Christ at Disciple nOw. She is awesome.

Todd and Austin and Lauren jumping off the waterfall.

ME and Alex chilling at the waterfall.

Alex loves his daddy . And the front porch at CLS.

A group photo of the amazing youth God has entrusted us with at Westview. What a privlege. It was great to see God move!
So sorry guys. It has been far too long since I posted. It seems like I have been very busy keeping up with a very active 10 month old, doing VBS at church, taking my mom to physical therapy, and most recently spending a week at the greatest place ever..Camp Livingstones. I am so sorry. And Jenn......You will get to see the real thing LIVE AND IN PERSON IN THREE WEEKS. Can I get a glory hallelujah!