Doesn't that sound like an exciting title....intigued? Well. this weekend Todd and I spent at the site where I first fell in love with him. Back when I thought it would never happen. God would never give me such an incredible guy as Todd.
Yup. Todd and I spent Friday and Saturday during the day at the wonderful, amazing, God filled Camp LIvingstones with four youth and some brave adults for our youth leadership retreat....And it was an amazing time. God just floored me with his faithfullness. I can't believe the plans God has for us. As I sat on the rocking chairs on the front porch of the dining hall on Sat morning, I just praised the Lord and sat in awe. It was six years ago that I had my first real heartbreak with Todd....And six years later, here I am married to him, which is way better than I could have even imagined back then, and serving with him at a tiny baptist church with the youth, with a tiny peanut growing inside of me bigger every day!(check him out on the blog, he is starting to look more like a baby)....Can I get a Hallelujah! God's plans are better for us than we can even imagine. So don't give up.......God has plans bigger for each of you than you can imagine. And life would be so boring if we just lived our plans and dreams, and not what God has planned and dreamed for us!
We did have a blast. Andrew, STeven, Allie and Alyse went, and Daddy and Joe chaperoned. Andy spoke about having a passion for Christ on Friday night(after we had the most amazing Mamma Sm. meal imaginable). It was the most convicting message..God moved. Then we stayed up entirely too late playing Taboo. Nathan came and spoke sat morning. It was so great to see him. He really challenged us to be people of integrity. Then we did the low ropes course. Peanut and I were not too adventorous, however, we did do the tomahawk walk.....which was a hoot. The youth had a blast. Finally Todd talked about servanthood, and washed my feet. Wow.
I was totally challenged to stop living my life for myself and start living to serve others.I might try to borrow alli's camera and post some pics.
Well that's all for now. I am thankful for each of you guys!!! Don't forget God has plans for you! Plans to prosper you and not harm you to give you a hope and a future.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Weekend Wrapup
Well for my four loyal readers out there, I thought it was time for an update....I had one of those mornings.....where you can't find anything to wear. I went though 10 outfits in my closet. It looked like a hurricane had hit. I am assuming that this is a symptom of skinny clothes are no longer fitting. But praise the Lord that means I have a little life growing inside(who now weighs as much as a paper clip)....or it means I have been eating too much pizza lately..since I had it wed, thursday, friday and then last night.....yup...its probably the pizza.
I had a great weekend. Friday night was spent with 12 girls from Eastdanalee baptist church. yup. I agreed to lead a disciple now(thanks casey) on Friday, and found out on Wed....Talk about quick studying. But I loved it. It was kindof a hard group to crack but I pray God used me some how. I did enjoy it, espically when I got to play Guitar Hero. That game could defionatly get addicting.heheh.The weekend was all about our identity in Christ....ARe we becoming more like the world or more like Christ...SAdly..Sometimes I think I am becoming more like the world. INstead of living out my royalty as a princess of the king. Jenn you would have been so proud. I showed Princess Diaries clips as my points.....Your princess theme carries on.
I came home Sat. afternoon and crashed. Then Todd and I had the best meal ever at Andy and Andrea's house from our church. Wow! They went all out. We had steak...shrimp...twice baked potatoes. rolls.peas....salad...mushrooms and onions. and tiramisu and lava cake for desert. What good food. But most of all they blessed us so much. We had a blast. and they have a one year old, so they gave us lots of good wisdom
God is so good. He gives us so many little blessing...or big blessings like my email from jenn. thanks jenn. I was dying to hear from you.Lets praise him today. Let's throw off the sin that entangles us and run the race God has for us!(i have realized lately I have lots of sin to throw off.
I love you guys!
I had a great weekend. Friday night was spent with 12 girls from Eastdanalee baptist church. yup. I agreed to lead a disciple now(thanks casey) on Friday, and found out on Wed....Talk about quick studying. But I loved it. It was kindof a hard group to crack but I pray God used me some how. I did enjoy it, espically when I got to play Guitar Hero. That game could defionatly get addicting.heheh.The weekend was all about our identity in Christ....ARe we becoming more like the world or more like Christ...SAdly..Sometimes I think I am becoming more like the world. INstead of living out my royalty as a princess of the king. Jenn you would have been so proud. I showed Princess Diaries clips as my points.....Your princess theme carries on.
I came home Sat. afternoon and crashed. Then Todd and I had the best meal ever at Andy and Andrea's house from our church. Wow! They went all out. We had steak...shrimp...twice baked potatoes. rolls.peas....salad...mushrooms and onions. and tiramisu and lava cake for desert. What good food. But most of all they blessed us so much. We had a blast. and they have a one year old, so they gave us lots of good wisdom
God is so good. He gives us so many little blessing...or big blessings like my email from jenn. thanks jenn. I was dying to hear from you.Lets praise him today. Let's throw off the sin that entangles us and run the race God has for us!(i have realized lately I have lots of sin to throw off.
I love you guys!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Lock-In Survivor:)
Well folks....i did it...i survived....No I didn't win the million dollars on survivor. but close. I survived the Youth lock in friday night. Yes me...everyone who knows me well knows even when I am not pregnant i don't do night time....My hair just gets bigger and bigger..hehhe. And now that I am pregnant I go to bed at 9:00 and could go to sleep when I get home.
Well I must say..God is so so faithful. I stayed up for an entire night with 60 youth and had a blast.......My plan friday night was to come home from work and sleep untill we had to be at the church at 9:00. However, that did not work out because it was Kelli's birthday, and we went to Red Lobster with the Humbert/Sluder fam..gotta love me some garlic biscuits. ....But glory. The Lord was my strength. He really helped me stay up, and even not be grumpy.....IN fact I had a blast. I loved watching the guys flag football tournament with Alyse and the other girls. Who knew that flag football could be so competitve at 4:00 in the morning.hehhe...and I have never seen Todd quite like that. He showed the boys what was up, that their youth minister was not just a minister but a champion too. His team defionatly won against the big mean guys from the other church. It got heated for sure....
did I mention God is faithful...I did not get back to my house untill 9:00 in the morning. And buddy did I crash..Untill our neighbor kids from next door woke us up at 4:45.....then later on that night I even made it to Caitlyns 18th bday party, and then to Cleveland to Starbucks where Todd and I met up with Harrison and Shawna. We had a blast together.
Speaking of the youth. God is doing awesome things. I can't tell you how exciting it is sometimes to just step back and watch God work. Sometimes Todd and I can get discouraged and wonder if they are getting it at all. But then there are times like Wed. Andrew(the pastor's son) shared his testimony and it was amazing. then Todd brought home the word..Glory...With a completely unplanned message.....For once you could have heard a pin drop. When we broke up into small groups, the youth totally started opening up. Glory! mahima!Youth that I had been struggling to connect with began opening up to me, some for the first time. IT is amazing what God can do..We continue to trust him to turn our youth into worldchangers.
this past week was also a faith stretcher. With Jenn's green Lazarus dead....Jenn...It died..:( However to the tune of quite a bit of money.....He is slowly trying to sing Chris's song I am Lazarus. That was defionatly a stretch for us, and I must admit I didn't do the best job trusting God......IT is still not completely healed so pray for complete healing:)Pray for Todd and I to trust God during a time of financial stretching.
Well that is enough to bore you all by now. Sorry for the long post!
Well I must say..God is so so faithful. I stayed up for an entire night with 60 youth and had a blast.......My plan friday night was to come home from work and sleep untill we had to be at the church at 9:00. However, that did not work out because it was Kelli's birthday, and we went to Red Lobster with the Humbert/Sluder fam..gotta love me some garlic biscuits. ....But glory. The Lord was my strength. He really helped me stay up, and even not be grumpy.....IN fact I had a blast. I loved watching the guys flag football tournament with Alyse and the other girls. Who knew that flag football could be so competitve at 4:00 in the morning.hehhe...and I have never seen Todd quite like that. He showed the boys what was up, that their youth minister was not just a minister but a champion too. His team defionatly won against the big mean guys from the other church. It got heated for sure....
did I mention God is faithful...I did not get back to my house untill 9:00 in the morning. And buddy did I crash..Untill our neighbor kids from next door woke us up at 4:45.....then later on that night I even made it to Caitlyns 18th bday party, and then to Cleveland to Starbucks where Todd and I met up with Harrison and Shawna. We had a blast together.
Speaking of the youth. God is doing awesome things. I can't tell you how exciting it is sometimes to just step back and watch God work. Sometimes Todd and I can get discouraged and wonder if they are getting it at all. But then there are times like Wed. Andrew(the pastor's son) shared his testimony and it was amazing. then Todd brought home the word..Glory...With a completely unplanned message.....For once you could have heard a pin drop. When we broke up into small groups, the youth totally started opening up. Glory! mahima!Youth that I had been struggling to connect with began opening up to me, some for the first time. IT is amazing what God can do..We continue to trust him to turn our youth into worldchangers.
this past week was also a faith stretcher. With Jenn's green Lazarus dead....Jenn...It died..:( However to the tune of quite a bit of money.....He is slowly trying to sing Chris's song I am Lazarus. That was defionatly a stretch for us, and I must admit I didn't do the best job trusting God......IT is still not completely healed so pray for complete healing:)Pray for Todd and I to trust God during a time of financial stretching.
Well that is enough to bore you all by now. Sorry for the long post!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
First Docto'rs Appointment
Well. Here is my long awaited update on my first doctor's appointment:). First off, the widget you see with the baby on my blog looks just like my little "peanut" looks. Seriously. I got my first baby pic yesterday and that is exactally what he or she looks like. Cute huh. They called it our little peanut at the doctor's office. And let me tell you....internal ultrasound....not too much fun:) But I am sure there is much more fun to come.
So the appointment was fairly traumatic for me, probably because i am a big wimp and scardy cat. But I think it was more traumatic emotionally. I was really excited about the visit. I guess I pictured the doc sitting down and talking with us, giving us advice, asking us if we had questions. None of the above happened. todd and I waited in the exam room for two hours before the doctor came in, while hearing someone sobbing extremely loudly in the room next door. That always makes you feel good the doctor was clearly upset when she came in the room. There was not much idle chatter. She just sent me straight to the ultrasound room. Where they totally invaded me:)hhehe. But I was excitedto see little peanut, and I think I could vaguely see the heartbeat, although I am not sure exactally what I was looking at...
That was that. Then they told me to get dressed and get my blood drawn. So I guess I was disappointed. I am not sure if I should continue to go to this doctor or go to a new one. IF anyone has any suggestions, let me know and pray God gives Todd and I wisdom. Because I am stuck with whoever I pick for 9 months and I want to enjoy them.
Then more trauma....hehhe. They could not get my blood drawn...They stuck me three times and were poking all around and I would not bleed. Let's just say that was not pleasant. Finally they stuck me in the bottom part of my arm..Poor Todd was more traumatized than me.
I went home after the appt and did what any girl would do. I put my pajamas on and took a nap...todd is the best hubbie. ever..
Well I gotta go, but I will post more later
So the appointment was fairly traumatic for me, probably because i am a big wimp and scardy cat. But I think it was more traumatic emotionally. I was really excited about the visit. I guess I pictured the doc sitting down and talking with us, giving us advice, asking us if we had questions. None of the above happened. todd and I waited in the exam room for two hours before the doctor came in, while hearing someone sobbing extremely loudly in the room next door. That always makes you feel good the doctor was clearly upset when she came in the room. There was not much idle chatter. She just sent me straight to the ultrasound room. Where they totally invaded me:)hhehe. But I was excitedto see little peanut, and I think I could vaguely see the heartbeat, although I am not sure exactally what I was looking at...
That was that. Then they told me to get dressed and get my blood drawn. So I guess I was disappointed. I am not sure if I should continue to go to this doctor or go to a new one. IF anyone has any suggestions, let me know and pray God gives Todd and I wisdom. Because I am stuck with whoever I pick for 9 months and I want to enjoy them.
Then more trauma....hehhe. They could not get my blood drawn...They stuck me three times and were poking all around and I would not bleed. Let's just say that was not pleasant. Finally they stuck me in the bottom part of my arm..Poor Todd was more traumatized than me.
I went home after the appt and did what any girl would do. I put my pajamas on and took a nap...todd is the best hubbie. ever..
Well I gotta go, but I will post more later
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Besides Christmas and fall, New Year is one of my favorite times of year:) Glory. There is just nothing like a fresh new start. I love spending sometime during New Year thinking about all that God did for me the last year! Wow...Last year was a crazy year, full of hard times and huge blessings. It never ceases to amaze me when I take the time to think about it, how much God has blessed me with and taught me. I am so looking forward to this New Year for so many reasons.
that is a picture of my wonderful hubbie who I am so so thankful for. I can't believe God gave me such an inc
redible hubbie!

Finally this is my favo pic of 2007. When my parents opened up the keys to find out I am having a baby. hhehee. Exciting stuff. I can't wait to meet our baby blessing of 2008! I pray this year I fully reflect God's glory in new ways. I love you guys and I am so thankful for you.
Before I go on about my wonderful New Year, I would like to post some pics from fam, because I am so thankful for my wonderful fam.both the Humbert fam and Hand fam, but I only have pics of Hand fam.
This a picture of my incredible parents who are still in love after 28 years of marriage. I am so blessed to have them. What better people to spend my new year last night. We had a blast, espicially with Casey Gann added to the mix. I taught the fam a crazy new
This phone represents my incredible sis, who i thank God for ever day.I wish she was in the pics, however, i know she is exactally where she is supposed to be serving the Lord. I love her so much, and I can't say enough how proud of her I am. As hard as it was to let her go last year, I am so blessed to know how much God is using her. We were actually talking to her on the phone is this pic.
Finally this is my favo pic of 2007. When my parents opened up the keys to find out I am having a baby. hhehee. Exciting stuff. I can't wait to meet our baby blessing of 2008! I pray this year I fully reflect God's glory in new ways. I love you guys and I am so thankful for you.
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